Most of these wood-turned bowls are formed on the lathe a process where a rough piece of wood was mounted to the lathe, then ’turned’, a method of creating forms almost the reverse of a potter fashioning a piece of clay on a wheel, but here a piece of wood spins and unwanted material is removed with sharp tools until a pleasant and suitable form is achieved. Any works in this gallery can be custom ordered.

Bowl made of recycled Red Gum fencepost.
Measures approximately 350mm long by 140mm wide.
Set of bowls made from salvaged European Oak, which was grown
in the Melbourne suburb of North Balwyn.
Sizes vary from 350mm to 180mm in diameter
Bowls made from salvaged Red Gum grown in the Melbourne
suburb of Macleod. Made while the wood was still fresh and wet, then
allowed to distort as the wood dried. The rims were scorched to highlight the rich red colour of the wood.
Rocking bowl made of recycled Red Gum fence post.
Size approximately 300mm by 120mm.
Recycled Red Gum bowl made from wood salvaged from the site of the former Mont Park Psychiatric Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.
Textured and scorched and extremely solid.
Approximately 300mm diameter
Bowl made of Maple and ebonized Red Gum.
In diameter this bowl measures approximately 170mm.
Tasmanian Myrtle bowl measuring approximately 380mm in diameter.
Hybrid bowls made from recycled Red Gum fence posts.
They are textured with molding paste and paint
- measuring 120mm in diameter
Bowl made of Red Gum, salvaged from the Melbourne suburb of Watsonia. It was turned while the wood was fresh and wet, and allowed to distort as it dried. This bowl is approximately 300mm in diameter.
Acacia bowl with natural bark edge.
This timber was salvaged from a pile left out on someones nature strip.
Approximately 300mm in diameter.